Background to the N-Code™
Establishing a link between who we are and what we do is the challenge that has preoccupied many scientists and psychologists for decades. Tools such as NLP, have proven to be effective mechanisms for moving individuals into action but it is seldom sustainable and does not expand easily to the team.
Profiling systems have proven to be reasonably good at helping teams understand the fundamentals of their internal dynamics but do so by categorising individuals as part of 1/4 or 18th of the global population.
The process that we have been using with my clients is one of discovery, integration and alignment. (i) First we help the individuals discover their N-Codes™ - this lies at the heart of all of us and is fixed (almost like DNA). (ii) Then the indivudal needs to decide on how they wish to integrate it - will it become the driver for their current activities or do they need to switch direction altogether? (iii) Once the individual is comfortable, the process of team alignment can begin.
The reason that this process is proving to be so successful with our clients is because the N-Code™ is the individual's Behavioural DNA - it is the link between who they are and what they do when they are performing at peak, making their greatest contribution or achieving success as they define it.
The great thing about this process is it's authenticity - an individual's Behavioural DNA (N-Code™) cannot be changed on a whim or be influenced by outside factors such as corporate culture - it's fixed nature means that the whole team can have confidence in it and develop systems to utilise it effectively.
Typically, it is Top Teams that are interested in this process as the alignment piece delivers tremendous energy that can be focused on key projects. For example, we are working with one company at the moment that is using this process to completely revise their corporate strategy. When we aligned their N-Codes™ they realised that the current direction grossly underutilised their potential - the emerging strategy is not only more exciting for them, but they estimate it will outperform their previous strategy significantly.
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